Tuesday, February 3, 2009


So I was thinking today about motivation, and specifically that I need some. I keep nagging David about exercising and eating right, but can't seem to do it myself. It seems so easy to tell someone else how to do something, but much harder to actually do it. I come up with all kinds of excuses or reasons why I can or can't do/eat something. I reward myself with food if I'm stressed or PMSing, or had a good workout, or its somebody's birthday, or a holiday, or Superbowl ...whatever. Why is it so hard to say no to food? I've lost the weight before, so I know I can do it. I just need some new motivation. I need a cheerleader. Someone who will encourage me and push me to stay on course, not just belittle me when I get sidetracked. I guess I need to start by doing it for myself. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...But what IS my motivation? I want to be 12 lbs. lighter, yes. I want to fit into my 'skinny' clothes again, yes. Is that enough motivation? Not always. I need a goal. Maybe I will train for a marathon or something...nah. But you get the idea. I will be praying about this. Now I'm going to go to the gym and I am thankful that I'm not sick anymore, so I don't have any excuse not to exercise.