Friday, January 16, 2009

Woo Hoo! I lost 2 pounds!

Good morning! I weighed myself at the gym today and I lost 2 pounds from last Friday! Thats with having the pizza and cake on Sunday. I am very motivated now to continue with my diet and exercize routine. I actually went to the gym only 4 times this past week, imagine what I could do if I went more, and didn't eat pizza and cake... Well, lets not get crazy now! I am happy with myself for what I accomplished, and I don't feel deprived, which is Very important when dieting. I also went tanning again- somehow a flabby tummy doesn't look so flabby when its tan.
So David went to a new Shrink this week and they put him on some new meds that are supposed to get him out of his funk. We will see, I hope and pray that they make him feel more "normal". I think I mentioned before that my camera got broken. Well it is going to cost $260 to fix it. That's more than I can afford right now, so I am trying to fing a job now, but not sure what to do. I need a resume. I don't have one, and I'm not sure exactly what goes in one. I'm hoping that the LORD will lead me to the right job that He has for me, OR that He will provide for us in another way, if I'm not working. Today I am thankful that I lost 2 pounds!! Thank you for prayers for my anger issues! Oh, and the dog is feeling better too! Bye for now.

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